Copied from Houston Serbin church where father served in Dallas many years ago.

Dear brothers and sisters,
we thank you all for your church contributions.
it is very important to regularly support our church mission and allow our church community to become stronger and to do great things for the glory of God and for the benefit of our children and generations to come.
for your convenience, there are several easy ways to make your regular donations. We thank you again for doing your part.
to schedule your regular donations

To donate press

$360 dollars
Use Paypal and configure re-occurring in payment, highly suggested.

Please also see Guardianship

Planting Seeds That Bear Fruit In Your Church
You can feel good about giving to your Church because the Church is fertile ground. Planting your seeds of time, talent and treasure will bless your life and will bear fruit in the life and ministries of your parish and you own.
“I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit.” (John 15:16). Your parish is therefore the fertile ground that provides the environment for your seeds of giving to bear fruit.
When you give financially through your Stewardship pledge to the parish, and when you give of your time and talent –it produces fruit!

What is the fruit that your giving provides in our parish?
– a place that provides resources and teaching to children in our Church School Program –so that the torch of our Orthodox Christian Faith is passed on.
– a place that comforts and blesses people through worship, the Divine Liturgy, and the Sacraments of the Church.
– a place that teaches the language, culture, music, and traditions to children in our School Program.
– a place that provides numerous youth and adult ministries to parishioners of all ages. (Go to our website to view all ministries or pick up a ministries brochure in the Narthex.)
– a place that reaches out in philanthropic love to others through food and clothing drives of the various ministries and organizations of the parish.
– a place that provides the environment for you to serve Christ and bear fruit in your life!

Please make your heartfelt stewardship pledge and prayerfully consider becoming the regular steward of your church. (See the stewardship commitment form for details.)
Please bring or mail your stewardship pledge to the church office.
We deeply thank you for planting your seeds of love, support, and commitment to your parish! THANK YOU.

The average  family pledge needed to support our church ministry is $XXXX/yr or $X0/wk.

Our parish emphasizes the Orthodox and Biblical teaching of weekly giving –which makes contributing toward your annual pledge easier.

Many people ask, “How much should I financially give to the Church?” The Bible teaching is to give a percentage of our income to the work of the Gospel in our parish, i.e., 1%, 2%, and then prayerfully seek to increase a little each year toward ten percent (“tithing”) which is the Scriptural ideal. A number of our parish families are giving 10%, and they are not only being blessed by doing so, but they are also truly advancing the work of the Church in a great way.

If sometimes you are not able to attend church service and make your contribution then, you can mail it or use your online banking to contribute to the church.
just add
“holy three hierarchs church” as your new payee, our mailing address is
1810 s story rd
Irving, TX 75060-6556
choose the amount and frequency of your contributions. Thank you!
We also accept credit cards.

We thank you for your donations! May God grant you one hundredfold in his riches!

Sign up for church stewardship now!
Your church needs you! thank you!
God bless you!

Please join Church Stewardship and help your church fulfill its mission. Let us use our God-given Time, Talents, and Treasures to glorify God and provide a bright future for our children and generations to come. We thank you for your support!
We welcome all visitors to our Church. Let us be attentive and respectful in the Church “for the Lord is in His Holy Temple.” Service books are available at the entrance to follow along with the Liturgy. Please silence all cell phones so that our minds and hearts may be turned to God. We invite you to join us for family lunch & coffee served every Sunday in the fellowship hall following the Liturgy. Welcome!